Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WOW...I'm exhausted.....

Playing nursemaid all week has worn me out..But the good news is my daughter is on the mend..
 So,I came home yesterday..  Was met with bills, unfnished projects and a hubby and doggie needing some serious TLC...So I will be playing catch up for the next couple of days...
But before I go I wanted to show you ths picture I love love love the coffee table..I am looking out for one for a client but, if it was this one.....
I might just have to keep it for meeeeee..
See you soon.....

1 comment:

  1. Kelly:

    Hello! This is Mark, your neighbor across the street from your old house in Roseville. I had a question for you, and I can't find your email address. Can you shoot me a message at thanks!
